
Hey everyone!

It has been quite sometime since I posted last. I have had a really busy time promoting my book and writing new poetry , all whilst juggling being a mum and poor health for a few weeks.

My journey this far , since the release of Trauma to Truth in April, has been an incredible one.

I have struggled with having to maintain a social media presence as I’m not use to having to do that.

How ever , I have met and connected with the most wonderful people from the Instagram book community and have been overwhelmed with the support and kindness from those that have brought and read Trauma to Truth.

My family and friends have been so supportive with the whole writing, publishing and promoting process. It has meant I haven’t always been as available as I would usually be, as I get burn out easily. It has in fact made me feel quite low at times , but being surrounded with understanding, wonderful people has helped and with out them, it would have been much harder.

Here is my take on gratitude and what it means to me…

Gratefulness is more than just thanks.
It is an emotion, a feeling, a relief sometimes that comes straight from within.
Within our hearts and souls.

The feeling of gratitude and practising gratitude can do wonderful things for your well-being. Gratitude for me is a way of life.

I am thankful every day for all I have, all that I could have and deserve to have.
Sending out my dreams, my hopes , love, and healing.

I am thankful for my children, my family, my pets, my home, my car , that we have food to eat , a roof over our heads .
I send gratitude to the heavens , to mother nature , out into our magnificent universe for all the non material things such as awesome friendships, time spent admiring nature , the sun rise , the night sky, the waves, the trees.

Gratitude ,sending out an energy flow, raising our vibration, there for collectively raising the Earth’s.
It is safe to say it’s been a game changer for me, and maybe it could be for you too.

Until next time

Blessings, Claire to buy Trauma to Thruth in the UK/EU to buy Trauma to Truth in the US

Both available on KU xx

Published by crob0328

I am a mum of 2. Have a wealth of life experience under my belt. I love learning , have a wide variety of interests. Am a keen environmentalist and generally love life.

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